
The 基督教历史 (HC) area studies past theological reflection on the faith and practice of the Church, 尤其是在早期和中世纪的基督教中. The HC area strives to appreciate these theological expressions both with在ir immediate historical contexts (social, 文化, institutional) and with在 broader trajectories of theological development 在 Christian tradition.


Associated Doctoral 教师 in Church 历史 and Historical 神学 from the 电子游戏软件 School of 神学 and Ministry:


申请攻读博士学位的学生.D. program with a research interest in 基督教历史 should be developing both the linguistic skills and the areas of background knowledge necessary for such study. Those entering the program in this field normally have already begun to study either Greek or Latin, as well as at least one of the primary modern research languages (e.g.(德语或法语). 除了, prospective students are expected to have done preparatory master’s level coursework in subjects such as Christian history and theology, 圣经电子游戏正规平台, 古代哲学, 古典文明. The writing sample submitted during application should demonstrate some familiarity with scholarly methods, 神学观点, 以及电子游戏正规平台语言的使用.


总共需要举行12次讨论会. 然而,总共有14个建议. 最后,总共允许16个. 它们的分布如下. The specific courses will be determined in consultation between the student, 学生指导老师, 以及历史时期的能力. 

  • 小学时期: 4场研讨会.
  • 二次时间: 3场研讨会.
  • 第三纪: 2场研讨会, acceptable distribution of which shall be determined by 学生指导老师 in consultation with faculty members 在 period.
  • : 3场研讨会, according to the minor requirements of another area of the department.
  • 选修课 (最多4个讲座), including church history surveys at the School of 神学 and Ministry (STM) or the 波士顿神学跨宗教协会 (BTI), 根据需要, 语言课程, 或其他系的课程(如.g.、哲学).
  • 历史地区座谈会: The non-credit area colloquium normally will meet 3 times per semester. Attendance is expected of all students in residence.


Language requirements in one’s period of primary historical focus must be fulfilled prior to taking comprehensive examinations. Reading knowledge will be evaluated as either “intermediate” or “advanced.” Facility will be determined either by a written exam or approved coursework. Departmental exams demonstrate “intermediate” knowledge. Area-administered augmented exams demonstrate “advanced” knowledge. 


  • 早期基督教:希腊语(高级), 拉丁语(高级), French and 德国 (intermediate); other languages as necessary for research.
  • 中世纪的基督教:拉丁语(高级), 希腊(中间), French and 德国 (intermediate); other languages as necessary for research.
  • 宗教改革与早期现代基督教:拉丁文和下列两种, 如电子游戏正规平台需要:法语, 德国, 意大利, 或西班牙语(中级)
  • 现代基督教: French and 德国 (intermediate); other languages as necessary for research.


  • Students will be required to submit four research essays–three 在 student’s primary historical era and a fourth 在 secondary era before taking exams.
  • Students will be provided with standardized reading lists in all four periods. 他们将参加笔试.5 hours) in at least three of these, but may take a fourth exam.
  • 辅修考试将由辅修区设置.
  • 口试将涵盖所有的部分.


  • 3 doctoral seminars, chosen in consultation with an advisor 在 historical area.
  • Comprehensive exam: preparation of a primary and a secondary period, based on set reading lists; and a third topic based on the student’s choice. The exam will include questions on two of these three topics.
