Using LinkedIn professionally will help you greatly in establishing connections, developing relationships, and exploring companies and industries. Think of your profile as an online version of your 重新开始, where you can enhance the content and use it as a dynamic networking tool.

How to Write an Effective LinkedIn Profile


  • 名字:  Include both your first and last name. 还记得, 你的名字就是你的品牌,是人们在浏览你的个人资料或搜索你的名字时看到的第一个信息. 如果你有一个普通的名字,建议你包括你的中间名或首字母.
  • 资料图片: Select a friendly, professional-looking picture. LinkedIn与简历的不同之处在于,附上个人资料照片很重要, as employers gravitate towards profiles that show approachable potential hires.
  • 标题你的标题是你独特的标语,用来吸引读者的注意力,吸引他们阅读你的完整资料. LinkedIn会根据你最近的工作经历自动为你生成一个标题. Strong profiles will have an updated headline to include area of study, 职业抱负, or keywords related to a desired career field. 如果你正在寻找一个机会,在标题中加入这一点会很有帮助.

    • 对策略、促销和活动管理充满热情的有抱负的消费者营销人员
    • 电子游戏软件 Junior Seeking Accounting Internship in New York City
    • Social Media Branding Specialist | Seeking Marketing Internship
  • 位置在电子游戏软件期间,您可以选择将您的位置包括在“大波士顿地区”.”  Once you begin searching, 将您的位置电子游戏正规平台到您想要的就业地点是有益的.  这将确保你出现在该地区附近雇主的搜索中.

  • 行业:  Select the industry you intend to enter.  

  • 当前的 & Previous Experience and 教育LinkedIn会根据你在个人资料的“经历”和“教育”部分提供的信息电子游戏正规平台这些部分.

  • 联系信息:电子游戏正规平台您希望提供给查看您个人资料的人的联系信息.  You can include email addresses, 电话号码, 邮寄地址, Twitter账户, 个人网站.  在链接Twitter账户或个人网站时,确保内容是专业的.  您在“联系信息”部分中包含的详细信息将仅与您的直接连接共享.
  • 公共URL:  Customize your public URL to include your name.  拥有一个定制的, 专业的URL可以让你轻松地在电子邮件签名或简历中包含你的LinkedIn个人资料.  To update your URL, enter the Edit Profile mode.  Click “Edit” next to the URL in your heading box.  在右侧的文本框中,点击“你的公共档案URL”下面的铅笔.”  Enter your desired URL and save.


Get a Professional Headshot Taken

我们正在授权您控制您的在线存在,并帮助雇主将您的名字与您的面孔联系起来. 参观位于就业中心一楼的就业中心照相亭,提升你的EagleExchange和LinkedIn档案.


和你的简历一样,你可以在你的LinkedIn个人资料中添加不同的部分.  LinkedIn has created sections for you to choose from. You do not need to include all of the sections the site offers, rather add only those that are relevant to you and your career field.


The summary is your opportunity to expand further on your personal brand.  Here you can describe your greatest accomplishments, ambitions, and interests.  When writing your summary, it is important to remember the audience.  You do not want to write large blocks of text; instead, use shorter blocks and bulleted lists where appropriate.  As with all professional documents, ensure that your summary is grammatically correct and without typing errors.  Based on your industry of interest and the experiences you’ve had, you may choose to include an image, video, or other document in your summary section.


  • 电子游戏软件市场营销专业二年级本科生,对市场营销感兴趣, 广告, 还有社交媒体. 寻求一份暑期实习工作,运用我的经验,通过社交媒体拓展来协助公司的品牌需求, developing marketing plans, 数字营销, and conducting customer research.

    • 活动策划
    • Social networking and marketing
    • 账户管理
    • Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel)
    • Adobe CS5.5 Suite (Photoshop, Flash)

  • 热情而专注的学生,将于5月毕业,有丰富的代理和行业经验,专注于广告和艺术, specifically dance and theatre. 在大学期间,曾在学生举办的年度舞蹈盛会的执行委员会任职,每年都在领导岗位上晋升为财务经理, 编排, marketing coordinator and president of the organization.

    Interested in an entry-level position with an 广告 agency in account management or media planning in New York City; currently preparing to move to the city post-graduation. Also qualified and experienced with arts administration and arts and theatre education with elementary school children; extensive volunteer service in classrooms and after-school programs.
  • 介绍
    正式, 我是电子游戏软件卡罗尔管理学院的大四学生,学习市场营销和信息系统. 但更重要的是, I am a creative thinker who produces, 值, and supports ideas that push boundaries. Marketing is my passion, and my specific interests lie in brand management, 数字营销, social media marketing, 以及产品营销.


    The concept of branding has interested me from a young age. 虽然我可能不记得小时候每周六早上看的是哪部动画片, I can still recall numerous commercials for various everyday products. Despite the fact that these products were seemingly ordinary, 通过独特的广告表达的引人注目的品牌故事使他们与众不同. 一个品牌给消费者留下的持久影响以及由此产生的忠诚度让我着迷. Successful brands connect with their consumers, 我相信市场营销是品牌和受众之间建立积极关系的关键.


    诺曼·梅勒曾经说过:“一个人必须成长,否则要为保持不变付出更多的代价。." This idea not only applies to individuals but also to brands. Today's consumer responds to innovation and creativity, 我希望自己的职业是设计和实施前卫的营销活动.

Experience, Volunteer Experience & Causes, and Organizations

These sections resemble the similarly-titled sections on your 重新开始. 它们很可能包含你在个人资料中分享的大部分信息,告诉别人你过去做过什么. When updating these sections, 包括实习, 工作经验, extracurricular activities, and volunteer experiences. 详细描述你的每一次经历,让读者了解你在每个职位上的职责和成就. 一定要包括行为动词、行业特定的关键词、采取的行动和取得的结果.


包括你在电子游戏软件的教育和你可能拥有的任何其他高等教育经历.  This could include study abroad experiences, 前度, 交流项目, or time spent at another institution.  Here you can also include Activities and Societies you participate in.  In the description section, include any relevant information not stated elsewhere, such as thesis titles, 未成年人, 或奖学金.  LinkedIn has a special section for listing courses, so you do not need to write related coursework in the description.  




List your skills or areas of expertise.  Include keywords and phrases from your industry.  虽然你最多可以添加50个技能到你的个人资料中,但一开始,尽量添加至少10个技能.  不像你的简历, 除了技术或行业特定技能外,还可以列出人际交往技能.

你在LinkedIn上的直接联系人可以在你的个人资料上为你的技能背书.  获得更多背书的技能将自动列在技能列表的首位.  然而, if you would like to highlight certain skills, you can change the order by clicking “edit” in this section.  In order to obtain endorsements, consider endorsing your connections’ skills, as they may choose to return the favor. 


包括你想要强调的教育经历中的任何项目, 工作经验, 实习, 或其他地方.  Describe your responsibilities and accomplishments.  You can also add the team members you worked with for each particular project.

Additional Optional Sections

  • 荣誉 & 奖
  • 语言
  • 利益
  • 个人信息
  • 出版物
  • 考试成绩
  • 专利
  • 认证