
电子游戏软件博士学位.D. 英语提供了在许多时期与国家认可的教师一起学习的机会, 作者, critical 和 theoretical streams. C和idates design their course of study from a wide range of courses, 通过一系列的考试,在招股说明书考试和论文写作中达到高潮.


我们的博士课程的规模小,允许一个不同寻常的水平访问教师和灵活的设计方案. Only four doctoral seminars, a course in Composition Theory, an Advanced 电子游戏正规平台 Colloquium are required; the rest of the Ph.D. 候选人的工作是围绕电子游戏正规平台生课程、辅导和定向电子游戏正规平台建立的. 每个候选人都制定了自己的计划,为三个连续的口试和一篇博士论文做准备.



所有Ph值.D. 候选人保证获得五年的全额学费奖学金和有竞争力的津贴. The stipend for 2023-24 is $30,000.



C和idates design their own field exams in consultation with their faculty advisors, choose from a full range of graduate electives each year.


Professor Eric Weiskott
Professor Eric Weiskott
Ph.D. 项目负责人
Professor Eric Weiskott

Professor Eric Weiskott

Ph.D. 项目负责人


Dedicated to 教学, Mentoring, 电子游戏正规平台

The scholars who make up our graduate faculty have published prize-winning novels, 短篇小说, 创造性的非小说, poetry; contributed articles to leading journals such as PMLA美国文学Studies in 英语 Literature维多利亚时期的电子游戏正规平台, 合成的电子游戏正规平台ELHGLQ; 和 been anthologized in 最佳美国散文 和 Best American Short Stories. They have won national awards from the NEH, the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Humanities Center; edited anthologies, 集合, 版本, series in feminist theory, 宗教与文学, 后殖民主义电子游戏正规平台, psychoanalysis; 和 served as officers for professional organizations such as the MLA 和 the American Studies Association. 



While the students' programs are planned to meet their own needs 和 interests, 下面的描述说明了近年来学生的课程是什么样子的. In the first 和 second years of the program every student takes a Ph.D. seminar each semester ("World Literature" in the Age of 全球ization, Queer Theory 和 the Novel, Issues 和 Methods in American Studies, Victorian Inequality to name some recent examples). 除了, students take other graduate electives, 或者在准备考试时,参加由教师指导的“阅读和电子游戏正规平台”课程. Students may also take graduate courses at 波士顿 University, 塔夫斯大学, 布兰代斯大学. 随着论文大纲考试的进行,许多学生在他们的第五年开始他们的论文工作.


考生必须具备阅读两门外语的能力,或具备一门外语及其文学的工作知识和应用能力. 他们可以通过两次翻译考试的成功表现来展示阅读能力,这些考试要求他们在两个小时内(使用字典)充分翻译一篇短文. 他们可以通过使用原文写一篇电子游戏正规平台生水平的批判性论文来展示一种语言及其文学的更广泛的知识, 或通过对以前没有英文版本的文学文本或文章进行正式翻译. Language tests from earlier graduate work are commonly accepted for one language.


第二年,候选人在英国或美国文学课程中担任助教. 在第三年,学生通常教一年级写作研讨会和文学核心. 在第四年,候选人教授一门英语核心课程和一门他们自己设计的选修课程.

考试 和 the 论文

C和idates proceed through a sequence of three examinations: a minor field examination completed before the end of the second year; a major field examination completed before the end of the third year; a dissertation prospectus examination. In collaboration with faculty members, 考生设计的考试将为他们在不同时期的工作做好准备, genres 和 literary approaches. 考试 can take a variety of forms: they may focus on teaching, 文学理论, a single author or group of 作者, 文学体裁, 或者一个文学时期. Recent exam topics include Medieval Women Writers, 真谛理论, The American Renaissance, Romanticism 和 Colonialism in the Caribbean Atlantic, 哥特, a theory exam on the body, a teaching exam on 英语 Romanticism. 论文招股书考试是论文招股书的正式审批程序.


Academic St和ing 和 Evaluation of Progress

博士候选人每年都要接受对其学位学术进展的审查. 每个候选人都被分配了一名学术顾问,他们将在每学年结束时定期与学术顾问会面, the c和idate is reviewed by both the advisor 和 the Ph.D. Director to assess 和 evaluate their performance in coursework, 口语考试, 和论文, 适当的. 所有考生都必须在第二年春季之前参加辅修专业考试, will normally take their major field exam by the spring of their third year.

All graduate students are also governed by the 莫里西艺术与科学学院电子游戏正规平台生院政策与程序.

资源 in the 波士顿 Area


资源 in the 波士顿 Area

Ph.D. 候选人可以接触到波士顿地区为电子游戏正规平台生提供的丰富课程. Aside from the wealth of local archival resources, 候选人参加哈佛大学人文中心的研讨会和不列颠哥伦比亚省自己的洛厄尔人文系列课程, which brings internationally renowned writers 和 thinkers to campus. They can also take part in a wealth of courses, 讲座, 研讨会, 会议, symposia offered at area colleges 和 universities.


The application deadline for the Ph.D. 计划是1月2日. GRE不是必需的. Application forms should be accompanied by a personal statement, a critical writing sample of not more than 20 pages, 成绩单, three letters of recommendation, 最好是由最近评估过申请人目前在建议领域或重点领域的工作的老师.